Department of Health

Credentialling, competency and capability framework

Key messages

  • The Allied health credentialling, competency and capability framework helps allied health managers and clinicians develop structures and processes for an effective allied health workforce.
  • The framework supports allied health practitioners to provide safe, effective, high-quality care in a patient and family-centred way, working as an integral part of multidisciplinary teams.
  • The framework provides a platform for the safe introduction of new allied health services models, therapies, procedures and roles.

The Allied health credentialling, competency and capability framework provides guidance to allied health managers and clinicians in developing structures and processes needed to build an effective workforce through:

  • appropriate selection, recruitment and training of staff
  • maintenance of professional standards, and monitoring scope of practice.

In addition, the framework provides a platform to ensure the safe introduction of new models, therapies, procedures and roles, including an expanded scope of practice.

It acknowledges and builds on existing sound governance practices in allied health to present a consistent statewide approach to drive dynamic and effective workforce practice in a changing health environment.

The department strongly encourages health services to actively apply the framework or review and further develop existing frameworks.

How to use the framework

The framework can be used to:

  • supplement established organisational structures
  • improve the quality of care provided
  • increase workforce competency and adaptability
  • create learning cultures
  • assist with developing leadership capability
  • provide a platform for the transferability of new roles and advancing practice.

The framework is divided into three main sections and is complemented by a resource kit for each section as seen in the figure ‘Components of the framework’.

Together, the framework and the resource kits comprehensively outline the framework's development as well as include explanatory content, supporting evidence, and resources to assist from scoping to implementation.

Framework and resources

Self-assessment tools

As a starting point it is suggested that health service organisations use the self-assessment tool for each section of the framework to assess their current position and then access the relevant section of the framework or resource kit to address their identified need.

Missing media item.

Reviewed 04 January 2024


Contact details

Allied Health Workforce

Contact details

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