Department of Health

Key messages

  • Mercury is a silvery-white liquid metal found in a number of household items.
  • Breathing in mercury vapours can be hazardous to your health.
  • If you spill a small amount of mercury, you can safely clean it up yourself by following some simple steps.
  • If you spill a large amount of mercury – more than two tablespoons – you should contact an experienced cleaning contractor who specialises in hazardous chemical clean-up.

Mercury is a silvery-white liquid metal found in a number of household items, most commonly in thermometers, barometers, thermostats, fluorescent tubes and low-energy light bulbs.

When liquid mercury is spilled, it forms beads or droplets that accumulate in cracks and small spaces. It can also soak into fabrics.

Mercury droplets vapourise at room temperature. Mercury vapours are invisible and odourless. Breathing in mercury vapours can be hazardous.

Risk to human health from most household mercury spills is unlikely but spills should be quickly cleaned up to avoid such risk.

Visit the Environment Protection Authority Victoria websiteExternal Link for how to clean up mercury spills in your home.

Reviewed 31 July 2024


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