Department of Health

Health alert

Alert number:
Date issued:
29 Jun 2023 - Update to CHO alert 15 Nov 2022
Issued by:
Adjunct Clinical Professor Brett Sutton, Chief Health Officer
Issued to:
Health professionals and the Victorian community

Key messages

  • Non-food grade poppy seeds have incorrectly entered the food supply chain. These seeds are not intended for human consumption and are not safe to consume.
  • This batch of poppy seeds is high in thebaine, and when brewed into a concentrated form such as a tea, has resulted in cases of severe toxicity.
  • Anyone who has consumed large quantities of poppy seeds, for example as a drink, and experiences any unusual and severe symptoms should attend their nearest Emergency Department.
  • The affected product is Royal Fields Poppy Seeds with a best before date of 25/06/2024. For further information on this product, see the recall notice on the Food Safety Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) website.
  • The product has recently been sold in Coles stores in Victoria and across Australia. It has now been removed from sale by Coles.
  • An investigation is ongoing to identify whether this product has been distributed elsewhere.
  • Customers are advised to check all poppy seed purchases for recalled batch numbers.
  • The Victorian Poisons Information Centre can be contacted 24/7 on 13 11 26 and can provide more information about poisons and what to do in suspected cases of thebaine poisoning linked to consumption of poppy seeds.

What is the issue?

A previously recalled batch of poppy seeds has incorrectly entered the food supply chain. This batch is high in thebaine, and when brewed into a concentrated form such as a tea, has resulted in cases of severe toxicity.

Clinical presentations include:

  • tachycardia
  • hypertension
  • hypertonia
  • clonus
  • unsteady gait
  • diaphoresis (sweating)
  • limb stiffness or jerking
  • seizures
  • metabolic acidosis
  • acute kidney injury
  • respiratory and cardiac arrest

The onset of symptoms has been reported to occur soon after consumption of the poppy seeds (within minutes to hours).

The recalled product that has entered the food supply chain is Royal Fields Poppy Seeds with a best before date of 25/06/2024. The high levels of thebaine in this product are due to non-food grade poppy seeds incorrectly entering the human food supply chain. These seeds are not intended for human consumption and are not safe to consume. The recall notice from November 2022 can be found on the FSANZ websiteExternal Link .

The product has been removed from Coles retail stores in Victoria and across Australia. An investigation is ongoing to identify whether this product has been distributed elsewhere.

People should not consume the affected product and should return it to the place of purchase for a full refund and safe disposal. If you are unsure or cannot get to the place of purchase, dispose of the seeds and their packaging in a general waste bin.

Who is at risk?

Individuals consuming large volumes of poppy seeds, for example as a tea, are at highest risk.

Toxic effects have not been reported from ingestion of smaller quantities of seeds as food, however, the public are advised not consume the recalled product in any quantity.


For the public

The advice is to not consume the affected poppy seeds. Visit FSANZ website for product return/ refund and safe disposal details.

The onset of symptoms has been reported to occur soon after consumption of the poppy seeds (within minutes to hours).

If you have consumed the seeds more than 4 hours ago and are feeling ok, it is unlikely that you will become unwell.

Poppy seed tea drinkers should be aware of the significant risk of consumption and note that an unusual dark brown colour and bitter taste in the wash/tea after brewing may indicate unusual toxicity.

Seek medical attention immediately if you experience any toxic effects following poppy seed consumption

For help:

  • Call Triple Zero (000) for emergency assistance
  • Go to your nearest emergency department
  • Call the Victorian Poisons Information Centre (13 11 26)
  • If you or someone you know needs help with alcohol or drug use, call DirectLine on 1800 888 236 or visit for information and support to access treatment

For health professionals

Health professionals should:

  • Be aware of individuals who present with the above clinical picture
  • Where possible collect a blood sample: at least 2 mL of blood in an EDTA tube, tube NOT centrifuged and place in a small bag of ice
  • Contact the Victorian Poisons information Centre (13 11 26) for noting and the latest clinical advice including blood testing which should be undertaken
  • There is limited information on management of thebaine toxicity, but benzodiazepines should be considered, and Poisons Information Centre contacted for advice

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Reviewed 30 May 2024


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