Department of Health

What the Royal Commission said

The Royal Commission recommends that the Victorian Government:

  1. establish governance structures to:
    a. facilitate government-wide and community-wide approaches to improving mental health and wellbeing; and
    b. oversee the implementation of the Royal Commission's recommendations.

  2. ensure these governance structures comprise:
    a. a Mental Health and Wellbeing Cabinet Subcommittee, chaired by the Premier for at least two years;
    b. a Mental Health and Wellbeing Secretaries' Board, chaired by the Department of Premier and Cabinet and comprising: the Secretaries of the Department of Health, the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, the Department of Education and Training, the Department of Justice and Community Safety and the Department of Treasury and Finance, as well as the Chief Officer for Mental Health and Wellbeing;
    c. a Suicide Prevention and Response Secretaries' Board Subcommittee, co-chaired by the Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Department of Health, attended and supported by the State Suicide Prevention and Response Adviser (refer to Recommendation 26(1)) and comprising all state government departments and relevant agencies, with Deputy Secretary and Secretary-level membership; and
    d. an Interdepartmental Committee on Mental Health and Wellbeing Promotion, co-chaired by the Department of Premier and Cabinet and the Department of Health, attended and supported by the Mental Health and Wellbeing Promotion Adviser (refer to Recommendation 2(1)) and comprising all state government departments and relevant agencies, with Deputy Secretary level membership.


Information about this recommendation is being updated.

Please check back here for information updates.

The Victorian Government has committed to implementing all recommendations of the Royal Commission into Victoria's Mental Health System. Rebuilding Victoria's mental health system is a 10-year reform plan, with implementation being done in a staged and sequential way. The 2021-22 Victorian State Budget invested $3.8 billion in mental health and wellbeing services and responding to the Royal Commission's recommendations.

All work is focused on ensuring Victorians get the mental health treatment, care, and support they deserve.

Reviewed 11 December 2024

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