Department of Health

Local Connections – a social prescribing initiative

Local Connections is currently being trialled through select Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals.

Recommendation 15.4 of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System (Royal Commission) recognised that communities play a critical role in supporting mental health and wellbeing, particularly social connectedness. It recommended the Victorian Government trial social prescribing in the new Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals.

  • Duration: 8:48

Local Connections is a social prescribing initiative being trialled in the following Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals:

This initiative supports people who are experiencing loneliness and social isolation to build a sense of belonging and meaningful connections through connecting with others and engaging with community-based activities. People may be supported to attend activities such as art, creative, nature or other groups and activities.

Link workers will help strengthen pathways between Local Services and community initiatives and activities to reduce loneliness and social isolation. They will support people to build their confidence and participation in activities and social groups.

Older Victorians will be one of the priority groups for these trials. People may self-refer or be referred via Local Services.External Link

Further information can be found in the Local Connections fact sheet.

Information for consumers, carers, families and supporters seeking support is on the Better Health Channel websiteExternal Link .

How the model was developed

Local Connections was co-designed by people with lived and living experience of mental ill-health, psychological distress, substance use, addiction, and people who are carers, families, or supporters. They designed the social prescribing experience and the role of the link worker, including the qualities, responsibilities and experiences required of the role. The link worker is a designated lived experience role.

The Wellbeing Promotion Office worked with Today, a strategic design agency, to undertake this co-design process. We thank our co-design partners for their work on this important project.

Complementing the co-designed materials, the Victorian Department of Health developed a practical guide to support Local Services and link workers to continually develop their own skills and practice in social prescribing (see the practice development strategy).

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Reviewed 27 February 2025


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Mental Health and Wellbeing Promotion Office Department of Health

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