Department of Health

Provision of emergency use red blood cells to Ambulance Victoria

Ambulance Victoria have standardised the process for requesting blood components in rural and regional Victoria.

Ambulance Victoria have standardised the procedure whereby blood components are requested from regional and rural health services.

Ambulance Victoria paramedics will now make all requests for blood components through Adult Retrieval Victoria (ARV).

The ARV Clinical Coordinator (ARV CC) - a consultant physician contacts the most suitable health service or transfusion laboratory to arrange for blood component pickup at an agreed time and location.

A letter from Ambulance Victoria with further details, has been sent to regional and rural health services.

The Ambulance Victoria procedure for emergency blood component pick up from regional and rural health services covers:

  • appropriate cold chain management
  • actions for unused blood components
  • traceability and audit processes.

No changes have been made to the use or administration of blood components by paramedics. Additionally, there is no anticipated change in frequency of blood component transfusion because of this formalised procedure.

Blood Matters has developed a presentation detailing the blood component packing process.

Management of blood components by Ambulance Victoria

The location of emergency use group O red blood cells (RBC) across Victoria will be accessed by the ARV CC through secure information-sharing with the existing Blood Matters’ database.

Please ensure Blood Matters is kept informed of any changes to your emergency group O RBC inventory holdings, including at satellite locations.

To assist health service staff, 3 resources have been developed including a flowchart, shipping configuration instructions, and a shipping label.


Shipping configuration instructions

Shipping label

    Reviewed 26 October 2023


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    Blood Matters Program Australian Red Cross Lifeblood

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