Department of Health

A number of peak organisations represent general practice in Victoria from different perspectives.

The following snapshot of organisations may help you to determine which ones best suit your need when engaging with general practice.

AMA Victoria Australian Medical Association

The Australian Medical Association represents general practitioners and medical specialists, and plays a role in influencing health policy and regulation impacting on medical practice in Victoria.

Scope and reach

AMA Victoria works specifically with general practice to promote the interests of general practitioners in all matters relating to their professional work.
Key areas of focus and service include:

  • training opportunities and pathways
  • workforce support
  • practice (business) models
  • resourcing and support of the profession
  • industrial relations and legal advice and support
  • peer support.

Assistance to the department

  • Formal and informal advice and information
  • Advocacy
  • Input into policy
  • Representation
  • Consultation
  • Practice change
  • Communication
  • Considerations of policy or practice change that relate to general practice.

AMA Victoria convenes a policy group, the Section of General Practice, which can also provide expert advice and information on any issue relevant to general practice.


Website: Link

Australian Association of Practice Managers

The Australian Association of Practice Managers (AAPM) represents practice managers and the profession of practice management.

The AAPM has a national board, state branches and regional groups.

Scope and reach

AAPM provides industry-related information and professional resources that assist in improving healthcare practice management with the purpose of facilitating improved patient outcomes.

AAPM also provides a program of educational workshops, webinars and online learning to ensure those involved in practice management stay up to date with current legislative and accreditation standards.

AAPM distributes up-to-date industry information to healthcare practice managers.

Assistance to the department

  • Communication with practice managers, general practitioners and general practice
  • Representation on advisory groups
  • Changes to healthcare practice management
  • Distribution of information
  • Advocacy


Website: Link

Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association

Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA) is the peak professional body for nurses working in primary healthcare.

APNA champions the role of primary health care nurses.

It advances professional recognition, ensures workforce sustainability, nurtures leadership in health and optimises the role of nurses in patient-centred care.

Scope and reach

APNA programs include:

  • enhanced nurse clinics program piloting models of service innovation in 11 sites
  • Nursing in Primary Health Care Program, including Transition to Practice – a program to assist both newly graduated and existing nurses starting work in primary health care settings
  • Education and Career Framework and Toolkit developing career pathways for primary health care nurses. The resource for employers supports recruitment, retention and professional development
  • chronic disease management and healthy ageing education.

Assistance to the department

  • First port of call when wanting to engage nurses in primary healthcare settings


Website: www.apna.asn.auExternal Link
Telephone: 03 9669 7400

Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine

The peak professional organisation for rural medical education and training in Australia.

Scope and reach

The college has members, comprising fellows, registrars, practitioners and students who practice in regional, rural and remote communities throughout Australia.

Core function is to determine and uphold the standards that define and govern competent unsupervised rural and remote medical practice.

Assistance to the department

  • Rural and remote workforce advocacy and policy


Website: Link

Murray City Country Coast GP Training

A not-for-profit organisation that delivers the Australian General Practice Training program and other related education and training programs.
Scope and reach

  • Provide high-quality education and training programs for general practitioner registrars, junior doctors interested in careers as general practitioners and, where relevant, other general practice professionals
  • Partner with general practices to support integration of education, training, research and clinical governance as core elements of quality general practice
  • Partner with universities, Primary Health Networks, hospitals, state and Commonwealth governments and communities to plan for sustainable general practice workforces in our regions
  • Regions are metro west, north east, north west and south west Victoria.

Assistance to the department

  • Policy, research and data related to the general practitioner workforce


Website: Link
Telephone: 1300 6222 47

Primary Health Networks

Primary Health Networks (PHNs) aim to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of medical services for patients, particularly those at risk of poor health outcomes.

They also seek to improve coordination of care to ensure patients receive the right care in the right place at the right time.

Scope and reach

PHNs achieve these objectives by undertaking a range of functions.

These include:

  • primary care engagement
  • needs-based commissioning of services
  • population-based planning
  • health pathways and enhanced patient flows
  • digital health reform implementation and support.

Assistance to the department

See below for Victorian Primary Health Network Alliance: Link or Victorian specific activity.


Website: Link

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Victoria (RACGP)

RACGP is the professional body for general practitioners in Australia.

It is responsible for maintaining standards for quality clinical practice, education and training, and research in Australian general practice.

RACGP has the largest membership of any medical college in Australia, representing both urban and rural areas.

Scope and reach

  • Provide support to general practitioners, general practice registrars and medical students education, training and research
  • Assessing doctors' skills and knowledge, supplying ongoing professional development activities, developing resources and guidelines
  • Helping general practitioners with issues that affect their practice, and developing standards that general practices use to ensure high-quality healthcare
  • Development of the standards for general practices and implementation of continuing professional development.

Activities are within the following areas of strategic focus:

  • Collegiality
  • Education and training for general practice
  • Innovation and policy for general practice

Assistance to the department

  • Advocacy, input into policy, representation, consultation, practice change, communication to general practice, standards, education and continuing professional development for general practitioners


State Manager, RACGP Victoria
Website: Link
Telephone: 03 8699 0468

Rural Doctors Association of Victoria

A not-for-profit organisation that seeks, as part of the Rural Doctors Association of Australia, to maintain and improve the health of rural residents.

It does this through association and representation of those doctors in Victorian rural towns and communities.

It seeks to foster a workforce adequate to this task by lobbying for and providing education, recruitment, retention and family support.

Scope and reach

  • Concerned with the needs of rural doctors and their patients
  • Advocates for highly skilled and motivated rural medical practitioners who are adequately trained, remunerated and supported, both professionally and socially

Assistance to the department

  • Advocacy/representation for doctors working in isolated towns, especially where they work in hospitals
  • Advocacy and support for rural medical practitioners generally


Website: Link

Rural Workforce Agency Victoria

Rural Workforce Agency Victoria (RWAV) works to improve access and sustainability of healthcare services by developing and delivering health workforce solutions in rural, regional and Aboriginal communities in Victoria.

RWAV specialises in recruitment, workforce support and retention and facilitating outreach services.

Scope and reach

  • Administers workforce programs for general practice, allied health and nursing
  • Supports practices to retain health professionals in rural communities through training, educational resources, orientation resources, practice visits and networking opportunities

Assistance to the department

  • RWAV has a comprehensive general practice and allied health contact database and networks and can support the department to communicate with practices and implement practice change
  • Workforce planning, policy development, advocacy, research and consultation
  • Consultations with outreach services and health professionals
  • Workforce data collected through administrating workforce programs


Chief Executive Officer
Website: Link
Telephone: 03 9349 7800

Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation Inc.

The Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (VACCHO) is the peak state Aboriginal health body, representing all the Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) and some provide health services in Victoria.

VACCHO builds the capacity of its membership and advocates for issues on their behalf.

ACCOs help build community capacity for self-determination. VACCHO members provide holistic health services, and they may also provide a range of other services including aged care, disability, housing, justice, child and youth services.

VACCHO’s vision is that Aboriginal people will have a high quality of health and wellbeing, enabling individuals and communities to reach their full potential in life.
This will be achieved through the philosophy of community control.

Scope and reach

VACCHO builds members’ capacity by strengthening support networks, increasing workforce development opportunities and through leadership in particular health areas.

Advocacy is carried out with a range of private, community and government agencies at both state and national levels on all issues related to Aboriginal health.

Nationally, VACCHO represents the community controlled health sector through its affiliation and membership on the board of the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO).

State and Commonwealth governments formally recognise VACCHO as the peak representative organisation on Aboriginal health in Victoria.

Assistance to the department

  • Policy advice for issues relating to Aboriginal health in Victoria, including the delivery of services for Aboriginal people in all settings
  • Representation on advisory groups
  • Distribution of information
  • Advocacy


Website: Link
Telephone: 03 9411 9411

Victorian Primary Health Network Alliance

The Victorian Primary Health Network Alliance provides a platform for the six Victorian Primary Health Networks.

Scope and reach

Provides a platform for statewide organisations to engage and work with the six Victorian Primary Health Networks.

The Victorian Primary Health Network Alliance supports statewide coordination, joint working across the Primary Health Network sector, and communications and engagement.

The alliance works with and engages with general practice on areas of statewide focus.

Primary Health Networks are predominantly funded by the Commonwealth Government to provide services and support to general practice at the local level to achieve health outcomes for the community.

Assistance to the department

  • Statewide sector engagement with Primary Health Networks, including communications with sector staff and external stakeholders, including general practice
  • Contribution to primary care reform and system strengthening efforts, including input to the planning and policy developments
  • Information and knowledge exchange to facilitate integrated efforts through shared insights


Website: Link

Universities and other organisations

Department of General Practice, University of Melbourne

The Department of General Practice at The University of Melbourne is a multidisciplinary department that promotes excellence in general practice through teaching and learning, research and research training, and knowledge transfer to general practitioners and primary care nurses.

Scope and reach

Works with the sector at all career stages – from undergraduate medical students to vocational trainees, practising clinicians, emerging researchers and experienced academics across metropolitan, regional and rural settings.

It teaches medical students about general practice and primary care, working with a large group of clinical teachers and medical educators from across metropolitan and rural Victoria to deliver the medical curriculum.

The Department has also formed partnerships to deliver vocational training for general practice and postgraduate training for primary care nursing.

Primary Care Research Unit brings together multidisciplinary primary care researchers and research higher degree students.

Victorian Primary Care Practice-Based Research NetworkExternal Link (VicReN) is a collaboration between the Primary Care Research Unit, Department of General Practice at the University of Melbourne, and primary care practices around Victoria.

Department of Rural HealthExternal Link provides rural programs designed to increase the amount of quality rural exposure that medical students receive within their training.

Assistance to the department

  • The potential to collaborate with and support the department with advocacy and policy development, practice change, research and data, consultation and communication with the general practice sector
  • Strong links with many of Victoria's general practices


Head of Department
Website: Link
Telephone: 03 8344 4530

Mobile Learning Unit, University of Melbourne

In between balancing clinical practice and medical research, it can be difficult for General Practitioners to find the time for their Continuing Professional Education (CPD).

To meet this growing demand, the Mobile Learning Unit (MLU) was established by the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences as a pivot to interconnect leading Academics with General Practitioners by our CPD online learning platform.

Scope and reach

Our aim is to strengthen the bond between medical research and clinical practice to improve the Australian healthcare system in the long-term.

Online CPD learning for General PractitionersExternal Link : Our online courses contain interactive elements to enhance and reinforce GP learning experience. Learners can be quizzed on a scenario, watch a video with questions to answer or build knowledge with various case studies. Most of MLU courses are fully accredited with RACGP.

New Course Development for General PractitionersExternal Link : Mobile Learning Unit provides end-to-end solutions to create new CPD courses for other organisations in the healthcare sector and provides the online delivery platform and the student support.

Monthly update for General Practitioners through website and emailExternal Link : General practitioners can subscribe to MLU’s latest updates from leading Academics.


Mobile Learning Unit
Website: Link
Telephone: (03) 8344 5673
Address: Level 6, Centre for Medical Research (entrance 5), Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3050

Ultrasound Education Group, University of Melbourne

The Ultrasound Education Group (UEG), University of Melbourne was founded in 2004 to provide medical practitioners access to eLearning courses, simulation training and hand-on workshops in clinical point-of-care ultrasound, transthoracic echocardiogram, transesophageal echocardiography, lung, peri arrest and vascular access.

Scope and reach

The rapid technology developments have enabled point-of-care ultrasound to be performed by the practitioner in real time.

With more simulation, live models training and advanced computer software integration, GPs have access to knowledge and training to further their skills and understanding of ultrasound which makes for safer practice and diagnostic capabilities.


Ultrasound Education Group
Website: Ultrasound Education GroupExternal Link
Address: Level 6, Centre for Medical Research (entrance 5), Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3050

Monash University Department of General Practice

Situated within the School of Primary Health Care, the department’s core business is to teach medical students and contribute to the understanding, application and advancement of general practice.

Involved in three principle areas:

  • teaching in one of the few remaining undergraduate medical courses in Australia
  • postgraduate studies
  • general practice and primary care research.

Scope and reach

  • Engage with general practitioners in the training of undergraduate medical students and post graduate fellows
  • Professional development for RACGP Academic registrars through a program which incorporates teaching and research
  • Professional development for general practitioners in the form of short courses, the annual John Murtagh Update Course and through formal postgraduate study including Masters and PhD programs
  • Research – SAPCRU Southern Academic Primary Care Research UnitExternal Link

Assistance to the department

Expertise to assist in the following areas:

  • Guideline development and implementation
  • Knowledge translation strategies
  • Provision of data subject to application processes
  • Research
  • Consultation
  • Evaluation of projects and programs
  • Advocacy
  • Input into policy development


Website: Link

Rural Community Clinical School Deakin University

The Rural Community Clinical School (RCCS) conducts education and research activities.

Scope and reach

Education (Teaching/Learning) activities:

  • A year 3 medical student placement program (previously known as IMMERSe)
  • Short-term (six-week) placements in rural general practice for final year medical students by negotiation
  • Higher Degree by Research Training (MPH, PhD)

Research activities focus on:

  • Health professional education
  • GP-relevant population health
  • Other issues of timely relevance to general practice

Assistance to the department

  • Education, research, workforce issues relevant to rural general practice


WebsiteExternal Link

Outcome Health

Outcome Health provides quality clinical and support services to general practices and other primary healthcare organisations in the eastern region of metropolitan Melbourne This includes after hours services, mental health, population health data analytics, digital health consulting and nurse coordinated care.


Website: Link

Western Alliance Academic Health Science Centre

Western Alliance Academic Health Science Centre is a partnership of Deakin University, Federation University and 11 health service providers operating across the western region of Victoria. It aims to strengthen existing collaborations by formalising relationships between the partners that have been sustained over the history of the region’s settlement and development.


Website: Link

Monash Partners Academic Health Science Centre

Monash Partners Academic Health Science Centre provides a single voice to lead, champion and enable innovation, integration and partnership between primary, community and hospital based care to deliver better health outcomes across the population 3.5 million Victorians in the south and east of Melbourne.


Website: Link

Victorian Primary Care Partnerships

Vic PCP is a voluntary alliance of the 28 primary care partnerships in Victoria.


Website: Link

Victorian Healthcare Association

The Victorian Healthcare Association is an independent, not-for-profit peak body working to improve population health outcomes through the advancement of health service delivery across Victoria. Our members include public hospitals, rural and regional health services, aged care facilities, community health services and primary care providers.

It aims to promote and influence debate on public health policy for the benefit of all Victorians.


Website: Link

Reviewed 15 October 2024


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