Key messages
- The Department of Health has developed a series of information sheets for consumers and providers of residential aged care services about common care issues.
- Residents, families and carers need quality health information to better participate in decision making about care issues.
Resident information sheets
A series of information sheets have been developed for residents, families and carers on a range of common care issues. There are currently 18 information sheets available in an easy to understand format, with further sheets in development.
The information sheets are designed to help consumers discuss care issues and work together with staff and providers of residential aged care services. This work recognises residents, families and carers as important and valued members of the care team.
Residential aged care services can assist consumers by making the information sheets freely available. Access to this information can help residents, families and carers to better recognise and report care issues to staff, so residents stay as healthy as possible and avoid unnecessary admission to hospital.
These documents are now available in English as well as other than English. Links to the English and multilingual resources can be accessed further below. To download information click on the selected language, this will take you directly to the resource. The information in brackets gives the format and size if known. Note that some pdf documents can be quite large and may take several minutes to download.
Improving health literacy in residential aged care
Older people using aged care services should be involved in decision making about their healthcare and treatment. There is growing recognition and evidence that people have better health outcomes when they receive quality information and are actively involved in decisions.
Access to good health information helps involve residents, families and carers in decisions about their care to support person centred care and quality of life for individuals.
The resident information sheets have been designed to improve health literacy in residential aged care services. They were developed in consultation with public sector services, consumers and representatives, a range of health and aged care experts and academics, and relevant peak bodies in Victoria.
Resident information sheets
Translated information sheets available on Health Translations Directory
Note: Translated information sheets are currently under review. Please contact for further information.
Reviewed 08 January 2025