Key messages
- Effective governance is essential for supporting residents to experience high-quality care and an improved quality of life in public sector residential aged care services (PSRACS).
- The Governing quality in public sector residential care organisational readiness tool helps PSRACS boards and executives improve the quality of services they provide.
The department supports effective governance of public sector residential aged care services (PSRACS) though resources and information for boards and executive management.
The following resources are directed at PSRACS providers in Victoria, but are available for all residential aged care providers to use.
Organisational readiness tool
Governing quality in public sector residential care: an organisational readiness tool helps Victorian PSRACS boards and executives analyse their organisational clinical governance systems and how they apply to the residential aged care services they offer. The tool covers all aspects of the department’s Victorian clinical governance policy framework and adds some specific residential aged care components. Specifically, the tool covers:
- strategic planning, leadership and support
- resident and carer participation
- effective and accountable workforce
- quality and risk systems for care and service effectiveness.
The guidance document explains the four steps for completing the tool.
- Step 1 – defining agreed dimensions of quality
- Step 2 – developing strategic organisational goals
- Step 3 – identifying objectives, priorities and targets to achieve your goals
- Step 4 – working through the checklist of items for each governance domain
More resources
Systems for managing quality in Victorian public sector residential aged care service
Systems for managing quality in Victorian public sector residential aged care services: a literature overview explores key generic components of quality systems that stimulate and sustain high-quality care.
Person-centred Care and Consumer Directed Care clarity in communication
Person-centred Care and Consumer Directed Care clarity in communication: Discussion Paper. There remains confusion over exactly what the terms person centred care and consumer directed care mean as they are often used interchangeably. This paper authored by Emeritus Professor Rhonda Nay looks to understand the similarities and differences between these often used terms.
Quality indicators
As part of the Quality Indicator Program for PSRACS, information about important areas of resident care is made available for board directors and executives.
Reviewed 22 January 2025