Key messages
- Victorian retailers can no longer apply to have a premises certified as a specialist tobacconist.
- Certification ends if a business ends, moves or if the original application is no longer running the business.
- Certified specialist tobacconists are permitted to display 4m2 of tobacco products.
- Certificates must be displayed in a prominent place.
The certification of new premises as specialist tobacconists was discontinued in Victoria on 1 April 2014. This means that no new business can be certified, and existing certifications cannot be transferred to new proprietors and locations. Certification ends if the retailing business ends, moves to another premises or if the original applicant is no longer carrying on the business. Certified specialist tobacconists are permitted to display 4m2 of tobacco products.
Resources for specialist tobacconists
A Specialist Tobacconist Guide and fact sheets are available for electronic download from the resources and factsheets page.
The supplement to the Specialist Tobacconist guide provides information for certified specialist tobacconists to understand and comply with the laws about e-cigarette products. The supplement covers the main sale, display and advertising laws that apply to e-cigarette products.
A ‘certified specialist tobacconist’ is a retail business that:
- derived 80 per cent or more gross turnover from the sale of tobacco products in the 12 months immediately preceding the application
- operates from a premises that is separated from any other retail premises by a wall
- operates from a premises that does not open directly to another retail premises
- does not sell products or services for children or adolescents
- does not sell food or beverages other than low-risk, shelf-stable foods and beverages
- clearly identifies itself as a specialist tobacconist through the use of external branding containing the words ‘tobacco’ and/or ‘tobacconist’ and/or ‘cigarettes’
- does not identify itself as a newsagent through external or internal branding and only sells local, state and national/daily/weekly newspapers
- is certified by the Secretary of the Department of Health.
Certified specialist e-cigarette retailing premises
Key messages
- New businesses cannot apply to be a certified specialist e-cigarette premises.
- Certification ends if a business ends, moves or if the original application is no longer running the business.
- Certified specialist e-cigarette retailing premises are permitted a limited display of e-cigarettes and e-cigarette accessories.
- Certificates must be displayed in a prominent place.
The vast majority of e-cigarette retailers across Victoria are not certified. Information for retailers who are not certified can be found here.
Only a handful of businesses are certified as specialist e-cigarette retailers. Only specialist e-cigarette retail premises that were trading on or before 1 September 2016 are eligible for certification, new businesses are not eligible.
A certified specialist e-cigarette premises must display their certificate in a prominent place where it is likely to be seen.
Certified specialist e-cigarette retailing premises are permitted a limited display of e-cigarettes and e-cigarette accessories such as e-liquids.
Resources for certified specialist e-cigarette premises
The Certified specialist e-cigarette retailing premises guide contains information to assist certified premises comply with laws related to the sale of e-cigarette products. It is clearly structured in a question-and-answer format, and grouped into sections that cover the main areas of the Tobacco Act.
The Minister for Health has adopted guidelines for certification of specialist e-cigarette retail premises which stipulate the criteria for certification and the process for regulating certified businesses.
Ministerial guidelines for certification of specialist e-cigarette retail premises
Reviewed 03 July 2024