Department of Health

The Victorian Emergency Minimum Dataset (VEMD) comprises de-identified demographic, administrative and clinical data detailing presentations at Victorian public hospitals with designated emergency departments. The VEMD provides information for:

  • epidemiological purposes
  • health service planning and coordination
  • policy assessment and formulation
  • clinical research
  • quality improvement and patient management.

VEMD manual

The VEMD manual is for health services, their vendors and VEMD data users. The purpose of the VEMD manual is to provide:

  • definitions of data items
  • instructions to compile and submit data
  • nformation for contributors and data users
  • code lists and links to reference files
  • contact details for support services.

This manual together with subsequent HDSS Bulletins forms the data submission specifications for each financial year.

Current manual

Previous manual

Please email to access older manuals.

Reference files

See Reference files for lists of valid codes relevant to the VEMD.

Inclusive collection and reporting of sex and gender data

This guidance note supports staff in Victorian health services to understand, plan and implement changes to sex and gender data reporting requirements. It provides guidance on how to collect patients’ sex and gender information respectfully and sensitively in line with the new requirements.

Submission templates

Late data forms

VEMD late data exemption requestExternal Link
VEMD data resubmission requestExternal Link

VEMD editor

Current editor

Previous editor

Annual changes

Current financial year changes and proposals for changes to take effect from 1 July for the following financial year can be found at annual changes.

Reviewed 06 September 2024


Contact details

For information and advice about standards, specifications and data quality processes for the VAED, VEMD, ESIS, AIMS, VINAH and VCDC. 

HDSS Helpdesk Department of Health

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