Department of Health

The scientific workforce plays a vital role in the healthcare system and is supported by the Blood Matters scientist.

Blood Matters aims to:

  • assist with education and resources to support transfusion scientists (with best practice in the areas of blood management)
  • ensure compliance with national guidelines and standards.

On the Bench and Beyond newsletter is published every 3 months, with issues from 2020-2024 available for downloadExternal Link .

Guidelines and standardsExternal Link from the Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion (ANZSBT), National Blood Authority (NBA) and others have also been provided.

STOP the waste festive campaign

The ‘STOP the waste’ festive campaign began in 2015 -16 to raise awareness of RBC waste reduction over the festive period (November-February) when there had traditionally been a decrease in services across health organisations (prior to the COVID-19 pandemic).

While a reduction in services over the festive period no longer tends to exist, the ‘STOP the waste’ festive campaign continues to be successful in keeping blood wastage minimisation at the forefront of minds, and in celebrating the donor’s gift over this period. It serves as a timely reminder to monitor and respond to changes in health services activities that impact on blood use and adjust stock or staff responsibilities accordingly.

Donated blood is a precious gift, and we all need to do our part to protect and manage this valuable resource.

Let’s celebrate the donor’s precious gift this festive season and beyond.

For more information, see the Blood component wastage page.

On the Bench and Beyond newsletter

National standards and guidelines

Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion (ANZSBT)

National Blood Authority



The Blood Matters Program would like to acknowledge everyone who has contributed to the success of the project so far:

  • Health and pathology services throughout Victoria.
  • Department of Health Victoria.
  • Australian Red Cross Lifeblood.
  • South Australian BloodMove Project.
  • BloodSafe.
  • The National Blood Authority.

Some of these strategies on this page are guided by the South Australian BloodMove projectExternal Link and the National Blood Authority Managing blood and blood product inventoryExternal Link .

Reviewed 25 July 2024


Contact us

Blood Matters Program Australian Red Cross Lifeblood

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