Department of Health

The Victoria Blood Matters Program has created patient resources in collaboration with consumers on the following topics:

  • blood transfusion
  • subcutaneous immunoglobulin
  • patient blood management.

Additional valuable resources are provided as well.

Blood transfusion

While blood transfusions can be lifesaving, they are not without risks. The following fact sheets are designed to provide essential information for people who may need a blood transfusion. This information can help them understand the process and what it entails.

Translated patient information resources are available at SA HealthExternal Link and at the New South Wales (NSW) Government's Clinical Excellence Commission Blood Watch ProgramExternal Link .

Paediatric transfusion

Information for children, and parents and caregivers includes:

Immunoglobulin therapy

Immunoglobulin (Ig) therapy uses human plasma proteins, mainly IgG antibodies, from blood donations to provide a broad range of antibody activity to modify or supplement the immune system.

Immunoglobulins can be given in 2 ways:

  • Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) is given at a health care facility. It is administered through a needle inserted into a vein.
  • Subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIg) administration can be performed at home by either the patient or a caregiver. The immunoglobulin is delivered through a needle that is inserted beneath the skin.

This resource introduces SCIg as an alternative treatment option to intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) for those patients that meet the SCIg criteria. This resource can be used by patients or their medical practitioners to discuss this option.

Patient blood management (PBM)

The best and safest blood for patients is their own. Patient Blood Management (PBM) values a patient's blood as a valuable resource to be conserved and managed.

PBM focuses on optimising a patient's blood by managing anaemia, reducing blood loss through surgical methods, and enhancing a patient's ability to tolerate anaemia without needing transfusions.

The PBM resources help patients understand PBM and be more involved in their care.

Iron therapy

Patients with iron deficiency or iron deficiency anaemia should be offered iron therapy.

General information for patients, families and carers on iron and iron deficiency can be found at BloodSafe SA HealthExternal Link .

A guide to taking oral iron tabletsExternal Link by Blood Safe SA Health outlines general information for patients, families and carers about oral iron therapy.

Comparative charts on oral iron preparations covering several different brand names and formulas, including the amount of elemental iron in each tablet, available in Australia is found at:

Other resources

Reviewed 24 January 2025


Contact us

Blood Matters Program Australian Red Cross Lifeblood

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